University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW)
The School of Life Sciences (HLS) of the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW) is located in the centre of the tri-national Basel area (Switzerland – France – Germany). The four institutes of the HLS are Pharma Technology, Medical and Analytical Technologies, Chemistry and Bioanalytics and Ecopreneurship (IEC). Circa 200 scientists at HLS work currently on about 240 projects. The research and development activities of HLS encompasses a wide range of projects ranging from the development of new products and devices as well as the optimisation of production processes in terms of material and energy saving up to life cycle and risk assessment of some of these products.
The core activities of the Institute for Ecopreneurship (IEC) at the FHNW include Environmental Technologies, Environmental Biotechnology and Sustainable Resources Management. It possesses lab facilities such as pilot-scale lab, trace analysis lab and radioisotope lab, which are all equipped with cutting-edge devices.
IEC holds close contacts to relevant water authorities, water equipment providers, end-users in the region such as municipal water and wastewater utilities which allows for on-site pilot-testing. The institute covers the whole life cycle of technologies from proof of concept and assessment over implementation to monitoring and evaluation. Water frameworks and conclusive indicator systems play a crucial role in our daily work of assessments and evaluations in water management and technologies. The institute has extensive experience in leading and collaborating in large international research projects (e.g., AQUAREC, RECLAIM Water, Saph Pani, Water4India, COROADO) and feasibility studies in developing countries in the water sector and adopted technologies.
Main tasks in the project:
- WP2: Site coordinator for site no. 6 Lange Erlen. Performance assessment, AOP pilot plant and soil column experiments, chemical analysis of micropollutants based on the long-lasting collaboration with the utility IWB.
- WP5: support to LCA on selected cNES
- WP6: contribution to AquaNES DSS development
- WP7: Dissemination Manager
- WP8: Management: Project Coordinator.