Treatment process combination
The demonstration sites consist of a full-scale operational WWTP and MAR/SAT systems. The secondary treated wastewater is discharged into a natural reed bed from which it infiltrates into the coastal aquifer. Abstracted water is used for golf course irrigation.
Aims & ambition
The objective of this demonstration site is to improve monitoring strategies and processes modelling in order to assess the efficacy of combining engineered and SAT natural treatment systems in a coastal area and for reuse purposes by
- demonstrating the efficiency of the secondary wastewater treatment combined with reed bed filtration with SAT/MAR on groundwater quality and quantity
- introducing novel subsurface monitoring, data management and modelling including advanced chemical and isotopic analysis to understand the capacity of SAT to enhance/improve the water quality
- observing the fate of virus/pathogens and other contaminants in the treatments systems,
- evaluating how the system is useful to constrain saline intrusion in this sensitive coastal area with hydrogeological/reactive transport model representing the state of the system.
- depicting all these interrelations in a tailored ICT tool