© Christian Flierl & IWB

Demonstration site

Treatment process combination

The demonstration in pilot scale combines

  • advanced oxidation  (H2O2 and UV) as pre-treatment of surface water

  • soil infiltration

  • for final drinking water production

Aims & ambition

The objective of this demonstration site is the demonstration of the impact of an oxidative pre-treatment to SAT on bulk organics, micropollutants and microbiological quality. It is expected that breakdown products of the oxidation step are more effectively bio-degraded in the soil. Potential mutagenic effects of transformation products will be monitored.

Site coordinator & partners

Robin Wünsch

University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW)

Case study in brief

The Lange Erlen site in Swiss newspapers

News paper article about the demonstration site in the Luzerner Tagblatt.

An online version in the St. Galler Tagblatt is available here.


The Lange Erlen site at the Swiss Radio

The Swiss radio station SRF reported about the AquaNES activities in the Lange Erlen site. They broadcasted interviews with Richard Wülser of partner IWB, the local utility about the motivation for the project. Thomas Wintgens of FHNW as scientific supervisor underlined the performance of the tested pre-treatment process.

Find the audio file here.

Results of the demonstration won Best Presentation Prize

Robin Wünsch (FHNW) won the  Best Presentation Award at  the "Ozone and Advanced Oxidation – Solutions for Emergigng Pollutions of Concern to the Water and the Environment" conference held from 5. - 7. September 2018 in Lausanne.

Talking about  "UV/H2O2 before biological treatment in drinking water – effects on the removal of micropollutants and biodegradability" he shared results from almost two years  of experiments in the Lange Erlen drinking water production site.

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